
The following sections will guide you through running scark-cli, all possible parameter options and submitting SQL queries to Spark networks.


java -jar scark-cli-1.1.0.jar

You should now see the help menu.


Usage: Benchmark [-h] -q[=<sqlQuery>] -c=<configFilePath>
Benchmark Tool for evaluating the performance of a Spark Cluster. Run custom
SQL Queries inside Spark!
-s, --spark                run with spark support
-l, --local                run spark in local mode - requires -s option to be in effect
-t, --table[=<tables>]     list of tables to execute SQL query in, mandatory if running with spark support
-d, --driver[=<driver>]    driver to access Database, e.g. org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver, mandatory if running with spark support
-q, --query[=<sqlQuery>]   SQL query to execute
-c, --config[=<configFilePath>]
                           database config file path
-h, --help                 display a help message

Required parameters are:

-c, --config=<configFilePath>
-t  --table[=<table>]
-q, --query[=<sqlQuery>]

Queries are optionally interactive. You can either use -q to get a prompt for your query or supply a full query when running the tool: --q[=<sqlQuery>].

Configuration file

The configuration file should look as follows:

host: jdbc:mysql://<URL>/<database>

port: “<port>”

name: “<database>”

pw: “<password>”

user: “<username>”


Note that for scark-cli to be run inside a containerized spark network, such as one set up by spark-service, it has to be available in the container.

Refer to the documentation of your spark container about how to mount volumes and provide access to scark-cli. A query can be submitted to spark via:

/spark/bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 \
/opt/spark-apps/scark-cli-1.1.0.jar \
-c /opt/spark-data/database_properties.txt \
-s \
-t <table> \
-q <"query"> \
-d org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

Example Query

/spark/bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 \
/opt/spark-apps/scark-cli-1.1.0.jar \
-c /opt/spark-data/database_properties.txt \
-s \
-t Consequence \
-q "SELECT id FROM Consequence" \
-d org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

Complex Query

/spark/bin/spark-submit --master spark://spark-master:7077 \
/opt/spark-apps/scark-cli-1.1.0.jar \
-c /opt/spark-data/database_properties.txt \
-s \
-t Consequence Variant Variant_has_Consequence \
-q "select * from Variant INNER JOIN Variant_has_Consequence ON = Variant_has_Consequence.Variant_id INNER JOIN Consequence on Variant_has_Consequence.Consequence_id =" \
-d org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver